Talks, Workshops & Tutoring

Talks & Workshops
We can offer a variety of Talks & Workshops suitable for all age groups both in person & virtually.
Have a group interested in learning more about researching Air Force Service or Genealogy in General?
Learning a new Hobby helps you to focus on something positive & can improve your mental health and well-being.
If you have an idea for a workshop you would like to deliver but wouldn't know where to start producing it, get in touch to discuss your ideas with us.
To assist with the groups she often teaches your researcher Clare has taken Courses in the following:
∙ Teaching Students who have suffered Trauma
∙ Creating Moments of Joy for People with Alzheimers
∙ Understanding Depressions, Anxiety & Physical Illness
∙ A Registered 'Dementia Friend' through Alzheimer Scotland
∙ Working with Children who have Autism
If you have just starting to research your Ancestors Air Force Service & are struggling to find records & understand them, then help is at hand!
We appreciate that not everyone wants a researcher to do the work for them as often the delight is making those discoveries yourself!
It is important to understand that not everything you require to research your Ancestors Service can be found online either!
Why not consider 1-2-1 tutoring to help you progress?
We aim to tailor tutoring to the specific needs of each client & will work with you to help you to locate reliable sources.
Sessions can be carried out either in person or virtually via zoom, so it doesn't matter where you live in the world!
We offer a Free Consultation to discuss your requirements, get in touch now!